Gelly ball in Seattle WA. Best places 2024| Battleonix
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Best Gelly ball near you in Seattle WA

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Gelly ball in Seattle, WA


Gelly ball, the revolutionary new sport, is taking Seattle, WA by storm. With origins in the 90’s, Gelly ball has been steadily gaining popularity over the years and is now being played all around the country, and in dozens of cities around the world.


In Seattle, Gelly ball is being enjoyed by people of all ages and abilities. It can be an excellent way for families to spend quality time outdoors together, get some exercise and have fun. It combines elements of paintball, dodgeball, and tennis to create a unique new experience.


The game itself is quick, easy, and fun. Simply split the group into two teams and use a Gelly ball marker, water guns and Nerf guns to eliminate the other team’s players. Players can be eliminated from the game if they are shot, tagged, or thrown out of the playing area. Unlike traditional paintball, Gelly ball markers use harmless water-filled balls that do not leave any painful or long-lasting marks.


One of the best aspects of Gelly ball is that it is suitable for all ages. For smaller children, Nerf guns can be used to minimize risk of injury. Even those who have never played paintball or dodgeball can easily pick up how to play Gelly ball.


The good news is that Gelly ball is also becoming increasingly available in Seattle. There are a number of sports centers that have dedicated Gelly ball fields which you can rent out for an evening, or join in on open sessions that are scheduled throughout the week. Prices tend to be very competitively priced and the centers provide a range of safety equipment like goggles as well as staff who are knowledgeable about the rules and regulations.


All in all, if you’re looking for a great way to have fun outdoors while getting a bit of exercise this summer, Gelly ball in Seattle, WA is definitely worth a try. With its combination of paintball and dodgeball elements, it’s sure to be a hit with all ages.